Connect The Dots


This essay of pre-COVID and COVID events show that a series of coincidences relating to these events occurred.  Whether the coincidences just happened to occur naturally or were part of a planned series of events is left up to the reader to decide. 

To influence the reader a series of questions are posed that the author is of the opinion that the reader should ask themselves.  The author opinion of the answers to the questions is provided.

Everything presented is publicly accessible.  There’s no “smoking gun.”  It’s impossible to gather the direct evidence…the proverbial “smoking gun”…to “prove” the assertions made in this essay.  Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete tens of thousands of e-mails; Jeffrey Epstein “hanged himself”; Freedom of Information Act requests are routinely delayed and stalled; etc.  Those in power have the direct evidence buried and they will obviously lie about their actions and pay trolls to lie for them. 

That said…if one uses some Common Sense and looks at the ACTIONS of those involved (actions speak louder than words) then one can Connect The Dots and see what has occurred.  The actions of the Political Left and the Political right are damning.

ESSAY NOTE: Since March 18 the author has taken a daily 8:00 AM Eastern Time data download from Johns Hopkins Universities coronavirus website.  Unless noted different all statistical data of death comes from the following website and the author can evidence the data upon request.

What’s wrong with this picture?

On January 6 ABC News reported

Dozens of people in China have been sickened with pneumonia from an unknown source, according to the World Health Organization.

WHO was first informed of cases of the disease in Wuhan, a city in central China, on Dec. 31. Symptoms include fever and difficulty breathing. Chest X-rays of some patients have showed invasive lesions on their lungs.

As of Jan. 6, Chinese authorities were reporting 59 cases of the mysterious illness, with 44 of those cases reported to WHO. Eleven of those patients are severely ill and an additional 121 close contacts are being monitored for signs of disease.

Seventy-two days later:

  • On March 18 the total GLOBAL attributed dead to Coronavirus is a total of 8,007 which includes a suspect 988 deaths in Iran.
  • March 18, 2020, the Los Angeles Times publishes a headline stating:

“Coronavirus poses dreadful choice for global leaders: Wreck your economy or lose millions of lives”

The Article states:

The White House has based some of its new plans on a research model developed by doctors and scientists at Imperial College in London that suggests the coronavirus epidemic in the United States could kill at least 2.2 million Americans over the next few months if left uncontrolled.

What is wrong with the picture is that for 2,200,000 Americans to die in a 7 month period means that 10,000 Americans need to die every single day for 7 months solid when globally since documentation began there had not even been a total of 10,000 dead from coronavirus for over 100+ days ov coronavirus being publicly loose!  The math makes ZERO COMMON SENSE!

The author knew the study was junk science.  Evidence is documented by the essay written on March 19 and posted on March 20.

The Imperial College study has since been proven to be “junk science.”  The program results cannot be duplicated.


Question #1:

What Peer Review was done of a study stating that 2,200,000 Americans will die in a few months?


Think about it: This study comes out stating that death on an almost unimaginable scale is going to occur…at a time when there are 8,000, total dead after months of the virus in China…and a (grossly flawed) study stating that global decimation is imminent goes completely unchallenged.  Suddenly politicians and media out proclaiming that the choice MUST be made now to “wreck the economy.”  It seems funny that a non-peer reviewed study with results that lack any Common Sense and is NOT supported by anything else is used to essentially destroy the daily lives of 7 BILLION PEOPLE ON PLANET EARTH!

Question #2:

Why didn’t ANY of the following question a study with no Peer Review done stating that 2,200,000 Americans will die in a few months?

  • WHY didn’t any Global Politicians question the study? This is not only US politicians but politicians at the United Nations and in Governments around the Globe?  Instead all the politicians who supposedly represent their constituents say “Fine by us!”
  • WHY didn’t any University or College around the globe question the study? The Ivy League, the Big 10, The PAC 10, HBCU’s, Etc.?  Not only in the United States but all around the globe?  Don’t educational institutions teach first and foremost to questions everything?  Instead the entire educational system says “Fine by us!”
  • WHY didn’t any News Media question the study? Isn’t the news media supposed to be a government watchdog?  The entire global economy is to be shut down on one non-peer reviewed study and the entire news media says “Fine by us!”
  • WHY didn’t those in the Legal Industry question the study? This study is being used to destroy Constitutional Rights of people on a global scale and the entire legal system leadership says “Fine by us!”
  • WHY didn’t those in the medical industry question the study? Supposedly to get a paper published in the Journal of American Medical Association an article requires strict peer review.  In this case a study with NO PEER REVIEW IS BEING USED TO “WRECK THE GLOBAL ECONOMY” and the entire medical industry says “Fine by us!”
  • Why didn’t any Union Leadership question the study? Globally union jobs are about to be idled on a scale never before witnessed and all the Union Leadership says “Fine by us!”

The opinion of the author is that the leadership of all 6 groups above said “Fine by us” because THEY HAD BEEN BOUGHT OFF TO SAY SO!  The drawing below is taken from The Byzantine Pineapple (TBP) and is modified to show that TBP predicted this happening.  Depending on what source you believe all the $1,200 stimulus checks added up to between $75 Billion and $150 Billion.  Where did the other 2+ Trillion in the CARES ACT go (and in other similar CARES ACT legislation passed in other countries around the globe)?  The cash went to those inside the Pineapple Wall.  The leadership of the 6 groups above was already bought off to play along and support the deal!  With trillions available to spend there is plenty of cash available to buy off the leadership of the groups and all sorts of ways to bury the payments from prying eyes.

The process for such “buy off” had already been established by TARP 10 years earlier.  Suddenly one day Hank Paulsen said “Chicken Little the sky is falling” and magically almost overnight a Trillion was spent by both political parties with full media cover stating that “TARP MUST HAPPEN!”  Any opinion that TARP doesn’t have to happen was not allowed.

Ten years later suddenly the Imperial College of London said “Chicken Little the sky is falling” and magically almost overnight $2.2+ Trillion is spent on CARES and other legislation while the Constitutional Rights of Citizens are voided.  The same scam is being run again.  Any opinion that the global economy doesn’t need to be shut down and that TRILLIONS in spending doesn’t need to occur is not allowed.

Question #3:

When were the deals made?

The CARES Act is 355 pages in length.  It grew like the side bet in the movie Diggstown grew with every succeeding round as each side kept going back and forth saying “if your backers get this then our backers get that.”  When the LA Times article was published on March 18 the bill was ready to be introduced into Congress for final deal making.

It takes at least 2 weeks if not more to write such a large piece of legislation.  Assume for simplicity’s sake that work on the final “shut down the economy” CARES act package started on March 1 which is 17 days earlier than both the introduction of the 355 page CARES act into Congress as well as the LA Times article.  This inherently means: The plan to shut down the global economy was started March 1.

This inherently means: The Imperial College study must have been in the hands of the global political leadership on March 1If the study wasn’t available on March 1 then what was the basis for starting the shut-down of the global economy?

This inherently means: There was a complete organized news blackout for weeks of a faulty study being used to shut down the global economyThink about it.  The leaders of planet Earth believe that millions of humans are going to die in “a couple of months”…and that isn’t front page newsworthy?

This inherently means: All the politicians and entities being bought off had weeks to play the futures market with stocks and other investments.  There was plenty of time for everyone in government in the know to tell their network what investment games to play with the insider information.

This inherently means: There were weeks available to get the Imperial College study Peer Reviewed\Cross-checked for validity…and not one group “in the know” did this.  Why should they?  They are about to cash out huge!  (NOTE: The Imperial College is also behind the Climate Change studies claiming “doom and gloom” unless fossil fuels are shut down and trillions in carbon taxes are instituted).

This means that billions of humans were played for suckers for weeks while a single non-peer reviewed study claiming 2,200,000 Americans dead in a few months (as well as 500,000 for the U.K. and probably every major European country) was hidden from public knowledge.

Then…suddenly…on March 18…the news articles appear that millions will die without global shutdown…and the shutdown and the massive spending bill immediately begins.  What an amazing series of coincidences! 

Or…maybe it is…what great orchestration of “plan into action.”

Question #4:

Are there dots that can be connected that indicate a “plan into action” occurred?

The first weekend of August, 2019, the global tech leaders (but no scientists) flew private jets and helicopters and boated in yachts to the “climate change Google camp” in Sicily.  The author documented this meeting last August in the monthly article titled “Greenerati.”

As noted at the time the author could barely find any articles or reporting on this event.  Perhaps a public statement was made that the author missed but the bottom line is that over 100 of the “wealthiest of wealthiest” gathered together in a meeting that appears to have been more secretive Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit e-mails.

Question #5:

What did the Greenerati do at this meeting?

No one outside of the attendees can truthfully say what was discussed.  But if you think like the attendees think and look at actions that have unfolded since the time of that meeting then one can see a series of dots connected.

Question #6:

How do the Greenerati think?

The Greenerati think that they are the only true Essentials in the Universe.  The Greenerati believe that their seizing total control of all humans on planet Earth is the only way to save not only planet Earth but also the total universe.  It is the Divine Right of the Greenerati that all shall bow beneath them.

The Greenerati are supported by a subservient class of Essentially Needed who do thing like:

  1. Pilot\maintain their jets\yachts\estates
  2. Make their stock market trades
  3. Print\say in the media what they tell them to say
  4. Print\say on the political trail what they tell them to say
  5. Print\say\legislate\manipulate government to meet their ends
  6. Cut\style their hair for them while everyone is legislated out of getting beautified or profiting from being a beautician.
  7. Brownnose the butts of the Greenerati to be rewarded

Every other human being is a Non-Essential.

The way the Greenerati think is accurately described in the Team America speech that everybody is a D, a P, or an A.  For those who aren’t familiar with the speech it is linked next.  Be forewarned: it is full of graphic foul language.

The Greenerati are the A’s who are S’ing all over the Non-Essentials.

Question #7:

What were the Greenerati thinking in August of 2019?

The Greenerati were thinking The Re-election of Donald Trump must be stopped at all costs.  The meeting in Sicily was about nothing else.

Question #8:

In August of 2019 how can the Greenerati stop the re-election of Donald Trump?

The Greenerati know that stopping the re-election of Trump is seemingly impossible:

  1. The US and Global economy is roaring along.
  2. Minority prosperity in the USA is hitting record high numbers.
  3. Trump is selling out venues like Obama sold out venues in 2008 and 2012
  4. The Democratic Party has no viable candidate to take on and defeat Trump
  5. The Democratic Party has no actual plan for the future for any candidate to run on.
  6. The frame job titled Russiagate has failed to take Trump down and is in danger of being publicly revealed as to how Russiagate was constructed.

Unless the global dynamics are changed the Trump re-election is a shoo-in.  Since it is the Divine Right of the Essentials to rule Earth the Essentials must act now.  A Scorched Earth policy to prevent the re-election of Trump MUST be pursued.  There is no other option available.

The first thing they decided is Who will be the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS?

The answer broke down first into Do we re-run Hillary?  The answer was No; she is too toxic and already has the stigma of losing. The Democratic Party candidate for POTUS has to come the pool of remaining candidates which meant that Joe Biden was selected.

A Brief Aside

Some readers will take umbrage at the notion that the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS is chosen by the Essentials.  They will argue that a “Democratic system of primaries and delegates and super-delegates determine the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS.”  If that were true Bernie Sanders would have been either the Democratic Party candidate for POTUS in either 2016 or 2020.  To believe that the system wasn’t a “rigged dog-and-pony show” means that one is Asleep In The Matrix.

What is meant by Asleep In The Matrix is illustrated by the TBP drawing below.  The Matrix tells you what to believe and you believe it.  The Matrix tells you that the Democratic Party is elected by the constituents of The Democratic Party and you believe it because you believe the Daily Messages you are told to believe.  This means that all the election and delegate rigging that played out publicly is ignored.

It’s like believing that wearing a mask everywhere will keep you and anyone you come into contact safe from The Boogeyman that lives outside your mask.  In January of 2020 you didn’t believe that but since The Matrix tells you to believe this with Daily Messages sent to you drilling the fear into your skull you believe it.

It’s like believing that suddenly because Politicians tell you “Chicken Little the sky is falling!” you believe that the Sky is Falling.  It’s like believing because Politicians tell you that they must immediately have TRILLIONS OF DOLARS TO SPEND or the world will collapse that you must comply.

The flip side is Waking Up from The Matrix and realizing that the Daily Messages being sent are a pack of BS.  To quote ShaoLin Abbot from Enter The Dragon

The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.

When you Wake from The Matrix you realize that all the Daily Messages are images and illusions that hide the true motives.  The entire Democratic Party POTUS selection process is nothing more than a series of images and illusions to let the Democratic Party constituents believe that the constituents are actually making the selection because the Essentials know that their constituents will vote Democrat no matter what.  The Daily Messages tell them to do that.

Question #8 (Continued)

Once Biden was settled on the question is Over the next 15 months what is the monthly plan to stop the Trump re-election?  The only way to accomplish this is to stop the “Trump train from rolling.”  This means:

  • Stopping the Trump rallies from taking place.
  • Destroying the global economy.
  • Racially dividing the population.
  • Taking control of ballot counting.

Scorched Earth measures are required.  The only way to destroy the capitalist economy is to stop it from functioning.  The only way to stop the capitalist economy from functioning is to have a reason to shut as much economic activity as possible.  This pretty well leaves one option: PANDEMIC.

Pandemic has been tried in recent years with some success.  The 2016 Rio Olympics were supposedly going to be ravaged by the Zika virus and indeed some athletes were convinced to be so afraid that they didn’t attend…even though people in Brazil weren’t dying left and right from Zika.  The Daily Messages were sent and those Asleep In The Matrix bought it.

The question then is How to activate PLAN PANDEMIC?  Part 2 will explain.

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