The first weekend of August, 2019, is marked by the secretive “Google Tax Deductible Party Trillion Dollar Cash and Power Grab for Celebrities” in Sicily. The event is actually billed as a “climate change Google camp” but make no mistake as to what the true intentions of the meeting are. The event is the Progressive\Liberal Left Elite giving a big Middle Finger to the billions of Common Global Citizens as their grand hypocrisy is laid bare for all to see.

The count that the few reporters remaining in the world have been able to make is that “114 private jets, helicopters and mega yachts” have descended upon the event. The phrase “few reporters left in the world” is used because if you do a web search for this event you will find very few articles about it. Every attempt to scrub the public from knowing about what is going on is well underway. Since Google controls most searches Google controls searchers from finding out about the event. Also, since most “news outlets” are “in the bag” for the elite one won’t have a job for long if one reports on the events and hypocrisies of the event. It is way more rewarding to ignore what is going on to be on the inside of The Byzantine Pineapple Wall versus the outside of The Byzantine Pineapple Wall.

Estimates are that the event “combined carbon footprint…would also come to around 780 tonnes of CO2.” That’s a bigger carbon footprint in one weekend than such small island nations produce in one year. So much for caring about rising sea waters threatening those who live on low sea level islands!

The “climate change Google camp” carbon footprint pales in comparison to the carbon footprint that the biannual Olympics event generates. Will the “climate change Google camp” come out with recommendations for the scaling back of the Olympics to “save the planet?” HAH! As if!

The “climate change Google camp” brings together the elite and wealthy with technology leaders. The agenda and the meetings are kept secret. But…why? Why is there a need for secrecy? If Climate Change is such a threat to PLANET EARTH then why is the agenda secret? Shouldn’t all humans be represented?

The reason for secrecy is the “illusion” of the “Progressive Left Liberal” agenda. They don’t actually care about saving the planet; they care about getting the trillions of dollars they see at stake for their benefit…as well as the power that the cash brings with it. Follow the Benjamins!

Who are the attendees at “climate change Google camp”? They are 1\2 of the 1%ers that the “Progressive Left Liberals” constantly decry!

Think about it! Is there anyone attending “climate change Google camp” that is NOT a card carrying member of the “Progressive Left Liberals”? Um…NO! Yet the “Progressive Left Liberals” are all the uber wealthy that they constantly decree! If 1\2 of the 1% are all the “non-Progressive Left Liberals” that are not attending then that means that the “Progressive Left Liberals” who are attending are the other 1\2 of the 1%’s that the “Progressive Left Liberals” constantly harp about! Funny…they aren’t organizations such as “The Other 99%” to stage Zuccotti Park style protest in Sicily! “The Other 99%” is conspicuously absent!

Remember how the “Progressive Left Liberals” always decry all the “tax breaks for the wealthy?” Guess what? EVERYONE INVOLVED IS TAKING A TAX DEDUCTION\BREAK FOR THIS ELITIST PARTY! They hypocritically are doing exactly what they decry.

Direct costs for the “climate change Google camp” are estimated to be $20,000,000+ plus but if one figures in the cost to the public by income tax avoidance by reducing taxable income via deductions the public cost is higher. If meals for starving children in low income countries cost $1 per meal that is 20,000,000+ meals that could be fed people but when the opportunity presents itself to have a big global party for the “Progressive Left Liberals” elitists who the hell really cares about starving people everywhere?

What do you think will happen at “climate change Google camp”? The reports are that there is morning sessions followed by all the amenities that the $900+\night resort can offer. That undoubtedly includes all the drugs and high class prostitutes that have been tax deducted brought in for the “Progressive Left Liberals” elitists to enjoy! Of course, with the late nights of partying will anyone really even show up for the morning sessions in any kind of shape to do anything?

Note that the articles don’t say that ANY scientists are actually attending the “climate change Google camp.” The articles say it is the wealthy elite and tech leaders. Don’t you think that a serious climate change event would actually list prominent scientists? HA! The “Progressive Left Liberals” have already self-declared “The Science is settled!” That means that scientists really aren’t needed!

Instead there are Google selected tech leaders attending. It isn’t a stretch to think that the tech leaders didn’t first say “Google Assistant…send me composite psychological profiles of those people who have agreed to let us monitor their existence so we can build target programs to control their thinking. Videodrome is epitomized!

It’s easy to know what is being discussed. The attendees are being provided the plan to do 2 things:

1) Defeat Donald Trump in the Upcoming US election thereby paving the way to…

The celebrities will be urged to implore the world to hear the message and respond! The celebrities will be told to act like Katy Perry and to let the world “Hear me Whore”…er…”Hear me Roar” for whoever has been already preselected to win the current Game Show that is the Democratic Party nomination process.

Undoubtedly more massive amount of CO2 emissions can be expected from both the private jets, helicopters and mega yachts of the “Progressive Left Liberals.” Will it be greater than the massive amount of CO2 emissions that will spew from their mouths? Either way it is a big “Hypocrisy Middle Finger” to both Mother Earth and the billions of Common People globally!

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