Crossword Puzzle Links

The following links are Word Puzzle links that the author knows and even possibly uses. The only link not included is the NY Times puzzle link as that requires a subscription so unless one has a subscription the link is irrelevant.


  1. HEX at Patreon
    HEX makes the best word puzzles and a subscription to the HUB crossword is highly recommended
  2. Wall Street Journal
    The Wall Street Journal puzzles are also excellent!
    The HEX Cryptics and various Patrick Berry and Mike Schenk puzzles are very entertaining weekend bonus puzzles
  3. Diary of a Crossword Fiend
    Diary of a Crossword Fiend can be very helpful is someone doesn’t get the puzzle theme or if one is curious about how others viewed a particular crossword.
  4. Word Solver
    Every so often one may have a lot f letters but not the final answer.

    The link below will allow for possibilities for 10 word answers.
    There are links that have longer words but this works well enough.
  5. Andy’s Anagram
    The author has used Andy’s Anagram solver not only for word puzzles but also for creating anagrams for fiction works.
  6. WSJ (and other) Crossword answers
    Here is a site with more Crossword answers for those who get held up!