The two drawings and text are from The Byzantine Pineapple (Part 1) which was published prior to the global Pandemic surrounding COVID-19. These two drawings and text represent the Media and Political propaganda being pushed in the United States of America (USA) regarding COVID-19.

These drawings and text epitomize the theme of The Byzantine Pineapple which is WAKE UP FROM THE MATRIX! The current litmus test questions of whether one has wakened from The Matrix or whether one is still asleep in The Matrix are simple:

Do you believe the geo-political system that tells you that mass deaths\illness from COVID-19 require the shutdown of most global economic activity?

Do you believe the geo-political system that tells you that mass deaths\illness from COVID-19 require people to “social distance” from each other?

If the reader answers “yes” to either question then the reader is still asleep in The Matrix. The Matrix owns your mind and The Matrix can program you to think anything The Matrix wants you to think.

This is what the brilliant movie Videodrome is about: How The Matrix brainwashes people. Waking up from The Matrix to a new reality is epitomized by the scene where the VCR tape with the Videodrome program is changed. To quote the character of Bianca Oblivion:

It’s always painful to remove the cassette…

and change the program.

But now that we have…

you’ll see that you’ve become something quite different.

This is what The Byzantine Pineapple is about: Changing the program. The Byzantine Pineapple was written and published before COVID-19 but The Byzantine Pineapple clearly anticipated what has\is going on now with respect to COVID-19.

The drawings symbolize that everything in the Media and from the politicians and those in charge of the Pandemic response all flow to either the political right or the political left. NO OTHER WAY OF THINKING IS ALLOWED! All one has to do is to “look at the metadata” provided on the various major “news” websites to understand this.

What is meant by “look at the metadata” is that the reader looks at the headlines presented and to classify the headlines by the type\bias of the headlines rather than to actually read the articles. This look at the metadata can be compared to the facts already established by the author in the other essays. To recap the facts established:

1) On March 18, 2020, the LA Times reported that USA COVID-19 planning is heavily influenced by a fraudulent “study” claiming that 2,200,000 Americans were at risk of dying “in a few months” when there was zero evidence of any possibility of that occurring.

2) On March 30, 2020, MSN reports that the number has been lowered to a range between 100,000 and 200,000 Americans but even these numbers may be an exaggeration. The fact that the range is so vast demonstrates that those in power really have no solid clue.

3) The first, second, fourth and Fifth Amendment rights of American citizens have been illegally invalidated under the pretext initially that millions will die when COVID-19 never posed a threat to millions of human lives. Despite that fact that the projected death tolls have been lowered by millions of dead Americans the population remains under deFacto Martial Law.

4) If the economic system had been allowed to function normally there would never have been a need for a $2+ trillion dollar “bailout bill” passed by the Congress and signed by the President of the USA. There would not have been overnight destruction of the financial lives of any person in the non-grocery food\beverage and entertainment industries…as well as other industries.

It is now April 4, 2020. 50% of all humans are under global lockdown. The governments of the globe have spread fear of mass deaths and hospitals overflowing with patients. The governments have people so scared they have probably scared hundreds of millions of people (author excluded) from getting close to each other. The governments are spying on citizens via cell phone usage threatening fines and jail if people congregate. The governments tell people there is no end in sight to the COVID-19 insanity.

The governments have told those in the drawings nose line to proclaim CRISIS! This is government propaganda at work.

Item #6: Asleep in The Matrix:
Every day is a New Crisis for you to Panic over
Every New Crisis Needs More Money to Solve

Item #6: Waking From The Matrix:
Every day is a New Crisis for you to panic over
Every New Crisis Needs More money to Solve
The Stories of Crisis are being Planted to get Money!
There is No Great Crisis

If one rejects the notion that there is a “great COVID-19 crisis” then one accepts the concept that there never needed to be a shutdown of businesses and the sporting industry and the meeting of people in general. One accepts that COVID-19 is merely being used as a pretext to some other end goals. The end goals appear to align with what has been labeled as “New World Order Conspiracy Theory Goals” but time will tell. In one sense that is irrelevant to the current point being made: There is no crisis. Instead what has occurred is a situation requiring general management of supply and demand that didn’t require the destruction of the capitalist society and the lock down of billions of humans.

What has occurred with COVID-19 is history repeating itself. Those in government who want to destroy the Capitalist model have engaged in the infamous William Randolph Heart \ Frederic Remington exchange regarding the instigation of the Spanish\American War:

“Frederic Remington, the famous artist who brought to life American images of the west was hired by newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst to illustrate the revolution erupting in Cuba. He wrote back to Hearst one day in January 1897:

“Everything is quiet. There is no trouble. There will be no war. I wish to return.”

Hearst sent back a note: “Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.”

With respect to COVID-19 those involved with the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) furnished the war. The media and the politicians have furnished the pictures. The pictures are represented in the meme showing a masked, bundled reporter outside a hospital speaking fear…but when the camera backs out no one but the in camera reporter has a mask or is bundled. The propaganda war is under way to prove what the governments globally are hoaxing people with: that there is a crisis.

If COVID-19 is such a crisis taking its toll on humans what do you think you should see on news sites? The author thinks you should be seeing and reading stories about mass deaths and overflowing hospitals all over the globe.

From March 31, 2020, to April 4, 2020, what is actually on news sites? NO actual stories of mass deaths and overflowing hospitals will be found! Stories of “fear of mass deaths” and “fear of overflowing hospitals” and “fear of overflowing morgues” can be found but actual stories of no stories of mass deaths and overflowing hospitals and overflowing morgues can be found. Stories of “be scared of the next two weeks” can be found…which is exactly which the same thing the media said for the two weeks prior!

In the meantime the author’s daily COVID-19 death chart shows that for 2 weeks’ time on average 2,660,000 humans died globally. Of this average amount only 35,281 died a death attributed to COVID-19. Is this comparison presented in the media? Of course not! This Common Sense way of thinking doesn’t support propaganda.

In the media and out of the mouths of politicians there are all sort of stories of COVID-19 “shut down this industry” or “shut down that industry” or damaged the global economy. This is the Asleep in The Matrix speaking. This is the “blame the crisis on COVID-19” when the simple fact of the matter is that none of the global shut down had to occur. COVID-19 didn’t shut ANYTHING down! Humans in positions of power did!

When you Wake from The Matrix you see the profiteering globally going on. Those who play the futures markets undoubtedly had government contacts feeding them information that a big market crash is obviously coming because the governments were shutting everything down. Undoubtedly this was just the first wave of cashing in. The big dollar financial stock manipulation has driven down the investment portfolios of many small investors\retirees but those who drive the markets undoubtedly got out ahead of the crash….only to be moving in and out of various stock and options markets as they have advance notice of government pronunciations that they use to manipulate various markets.

With respect to the politicians that are “after the fact” being exposed as having profited on “insider information” that the governments were going to shut down at least one-half if not three-quarters of the economy what should happen is that new legislation is passed mandating that ALL stock\bond\option transactions by any member of Congress be immediately posted the moment the transaction is closed. Not overnight. Not a day later. Immediately! Make the transaction public in their entirety at the moment the transaction occurs. Talk about a “public interest” reform!

Impossibility for COVID-19 to kill 2 million Americans - April 5 2020-1
worldwide deaths

Item #13: Asleep in The Matrix:
Passing massive omnibus bills that no one is reading at the threat of government shutdown is just good politics.
There is no other way.

Item #13: Waking From The Matrix:
Passing massive omnibus bills that no one is reading at the threat of government shutdown is just good politics.
There is no other way.
Massive legislation written by lobbyists and passed without anyone really reading the bills written so vaguely that the court system must continuously rule upon the vague legislation should be labeled as “Crimnibus bills.”
There are other ways

The massive “bailout” bill is a Crimnibus Bill! Who really knows who is profiting from a $2 Trillion dollar spending bill? This is the largest spending bill in US history. The bill was cobbled together over a couple of weeks with no real public debate about the bill…or even public access to the bill!

There is no reason that the total bill HAD to be rapidly passed as one massive unit. There could be one bill passed for the common people who are getting a pittance of $1,200 of $2,400 per couple (and only if you were a tax filer who paid income tax the prior year). There could be an individual bill voted on for each industry or business segment. The political right and left don’t WANT to do that! If they did that then “we the people” could actually find out where the scams are occurring in the legislation.

If any person thinks that what passes for “news” media in the modern world is going to be ANY kind of watchdog then think again. When was the last time the “major news media” actually did some investigating and found some “real news?” The “major news media” doesn’t do that. What the major news media does is to repeat what they are told to repeat by the side they support.

What an insult to good citizens who followed the rules of leading a life of having a job and children and a mortgage and who were making maybe $30,000 to $60,000 USD pretax and who have payments. All of a sudden they wake up one day and the government they support turns around and basically says “F%%^ YOU!” to the citizen.

1) No income for you!
2) No entertainment in terms of sport or art gatherings for you!
3) Jailed and fined for leaving your house!
4) Unless you home school…no schooling for your kids!
5) No religious services for you!
6) No vacation for you!
7) No human contact for you!
8) Going in arrears on mortgage payments for you!
9) Going in arrears on credit card payments for you!
10) Going in arrears on car payments for you!
11) No elective or many other medical treatments for you!
12) No first, second, fourth, or fifth Constitutional Amendment rights for you!
13) Crash the market value of your property!
14) Crash the market value of your 401K\Retirement plans!
15) Add trillions in debt to the already exponentially growing US Federal Deficit!


Not only that but in the media propaganda war there will also be a slew of other “ends justify the means” cases made:

a) Crime is down! (Well, yeah, everyone is locked inside their house so how can the criminals break in?)
b) Mother Earth is saved! Pollution is down! Less fossil fuel has been used! Mother Earth has been healed! (Wow, in a weeks’ time the pollution has cleared out. Wow! Mother Earth was sooooooooooo far gone that a week without capitalistic efforts “healed” Mother Earth! And all it took was locking down billions of humans!)

Of course, Climate Change is still occurring. This exposes the fallacy of the argument for there has never been a single moment of time of existence in the universe from the Big Bang forward that the climate in the universe hasn’t been changing! The universe is 13.8 billion years old and there has never been a single Planck time when the climate was not changing throughout the whole universe!

Meanwhile back in the USA on planet Earth at the same time at least $1 Trillion dollars is walking out the government door to god knows where in the latest “stimulus” bill but no one knows where since the whole thing is rushed through as a “crisis” remedy…a “crisis” that only occurred because humans in power shut down the whole system! And there is already a push for trillions more in spending!

There is a meme floating around that shows $25 million in “stimulus cash” going into the Lincoln Center and $5 million in stimulus cash going out the door back to the Democrat Party. And then the Lincoln Center fired the musicians and banked the rest! Do you think this is the only “dirty deal” in the “stimulus” bill that was rushed through? Of course it wasn’t! Both sides have all sorts of various kickback deals structured!

The next essay to be published demonstrates how The Byzantine Pineapple Flat Tax formula would actually have handled this mess in a superior manner without the cronyism. Now it is back to the tie-in of the images and text to the media presentation.

Item #8: Asleep in The Matrix:
There is something wrong with you.
You are obese or too thin, too ugly or too beautiful, too dumb or smart, etc.

Item #8: Waking From The Matrix:
There is something wrong with you.
You are obese or too thin, too ugly or too beautiful, too dumb or smart, etc.
Just because we are all different doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you!
You are who you are…and no drugs/Products/Etc. will change that.

This is a “read-between-the lines” one. The Government has told everyone that something is wrong with them. YOU WILL DIE FROM COVID-19! BE DEATHLY AFRAID!

On April 3, 2020, the author visited Publix and Target store to do some shopping. Half the people seen by the author were wearing masks. They had a look of fear in their eyes. This fear is purely planted by the political right and the political left. The fear is purely planted by the Government.

Common Sense should tell the reader that getting ill and getting healthy is a part of life! Some people die from some diseases and some do not. That’s why the phrase “live life like there’s no tomorrow” exists. It means that life is to be lived as fully as one can live life every day! IT MEANS THAT ALL CITIZENS DO NOT NOR SHOULD NOT LIVE THEIR LIVES UNDER MASKS KEEPING 6 FEET AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!

The human species…all plant and animal species…are pretty darn amazing! The human species has been dealing with all sorts of viruses for 200,000 YEARS! Less than 0.5% of the humans assumed to have come into contact with COVID-19 have died. Your chance of surviving contact with COVID-19 is 99.5%. There is no great crisis…except for the great crisis the government and both political factions have programmed into the head of people!

America is SUPPOSED to be the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” “Land of the free” means that if an individual wants to wrap themselves up like a Star Wars Sandperson before going out in public then they are free to do so. “Land of the free” also means that if one wants to go outside in a bathing suit they are free to do that. IT IS NOT THE RIGHT OF GOVERNMENT TO DICTATE THE MINUTIAE OF THE LIVES OF THE CITIZENS!

The way the Government has currently circumvented this Civil Right is by making people afraid of themselves. The Government has made people afraid that their own body is defective and can’t survive coming into contact with ANY virus. The Government has convinced people that 200,000 years of the evolution of the human species suddenly went out the window and that YOU WILL DIE OR GET SERIOUSLY ILL UNLESS YOU BUNDLE UP AND STAY AWAY FROM ALL OTHER HUMANS!

COVID-19 is just the excuse the Government has used to hoax citizens. The government put together by the political right and the political left!

Item #12: Asleep in The Matrix:
There are not enough laws
More and More and More and More Laws are always needed

Item #12: Waking From The Matrix:
There are not enough laws
More and More and More and More Laws are always needed
All Citizens are now illegal because there are so many laws that it is impossible NOT to be illegal
Less Better Defined Laws are Needed!

To make sure that those who disagree with the government hoax obey suddenly a plethora of new laws have arisen. In New Jersey a 100 year old man was fined and jailed for attending an impromptu funeral. In Texas there is a city with a $1,000 fine for leaving the house without a mask on. Delaware police can pull over drivers with out of state license plates. The list of new dictatorial laws is growing daily. Joseph Stalin must be so happy at the Police State that America and the other countries around the globe have become.

Of course, even though there are laws against illegal tracking of citizens this has been circumvented because “cell phone tracking is only using metadata.” While new laws are being created to make people criminals and to drain their bank accounts because they dare walk out of their houses the laws on the books are being circumvented. The concept of “law and order” has been thrown away.

So has any concept of “due process” and “constitutional rights.” Due to the Police State diktats the whole United States Court System has been shut down. One can’t have a trial by jury when the Police State won’t let the court systems work because one can’t have a trial and a jury made up of one’s peers WHEN SUCH A GATHERING HAS NOW BEEN MADE ILLEGAL!

Putting that another way: If any person or group tries to challenge in court the constitutionality of any of the government diktats the actions, while necessary, are futile. The court system has ceased to function. A room filled with fifty potential jury candidates has been BANNED! A trial by jury is impossible to even start because the process of empaneling a jury let alone having a jury trial has been BANNED!

Item #14: Asleep in The Matrix:
The government mess is all because of the other side
Our side is virginal

Item #14: Waking From The Matrix:
The government mess is all because of the other side
Our side is virginal
Both sides have created the mess of government
Both sides are to blame

The author actually includes all the other text rom the drawings in this section. Only item #14 is listed above. This is for the sake of brevity.

While one can’t find actually stories of teeming hospitals and bodies piling up (versus continuing stories of fear of such happening) one can find tons of stories of both sides blaming each other for the current mess America and the rest of the globe is in. So, other than shutting down the global economy and putting billions of people under global lockdown (under false pretenses) nothing has changed.

Are both sides making “snarky” fun of each other? You bet! The factions daily plant news stories and post memes that are “oh so clever” but are absolutely meaningless. None of the snark is improving society.

Are both sides claiming that their economic plan is the “key to salvation?” You bet! The multi-trillion dollar “crimnibus” bills will “save the country” and “improve people’s lives.” This is what the sides who have shut down at least half of the economic activity on Earth down consider the economic plan to “salvation.” Ask yourself this question: Since when is declaring martial law and throwing millions of people in America and globally into unemployment a plan for economic advancement for all?

The rebuttal will be that “it was all necessary to save lives.” The fallacy is that the “millions of lives” supposedly saved were never in danger in the first place, and when the numbers of projected dead collapsed the martial law scheme that martial law is predicated on did not collapse. Instead more and more restrictive diktats continue to be issued!

Both sides say that the other side is profiteering from the crimnibus bill. Blue and Red state officials fight with each other over resources each blaming the other side. Of course, their side is virginal in all the profiteering going on.

Both sides threw millions of good, hardworking citizens into unemployment. Both sides took an economy with arguably the best government statistics ever and in one month turned it into a situation government statistically worse than the great depression of 1929. Both sides used false pretexts to accomplish this.

Both sides have taken a broken insurance system and made it worse. Wait until the next level of rate premiums come around. Logic dictates that the premiums and deductibles will soar. Why? It is because the pool of insured by private enterprise has now collapsed by throwing millions into unemployment. It is because insurance companies will now state that COVID-19 wasn’t covered by previous policies and premiums and deductibles must now soar to cover both the lost revenue and added costs.

Neither side is doing anything to address the issue of homelessness by throwing millions of people into unemployment and giving those people a pittance n return. At the moment homelessness is on the back burner. Paradoxically, homeless camps should be experiencing mass deaths if COVID-19 is as deadly as it is purported to be. Those in homeless camps certainly aren’t social distancing from each other and those in homeless camps have no “magic shield” protecting them from a virus that is everywhere. Are the homeless camps being devastated? Where is the news reporting that this is occurring?

At the same time corporations and politicians have a full PR propaganda blitz going on. “Look at all the wonderful things were are doing to help others in this time of crisis” they proclaim. They proclaim this by using singular “feel good” stories that those Asleep in the Matrix lap up without realizing that the “supposed crisis” is all human made! And of course the citizen can “do good” too by joining in. The path to doing this is to donate money to the cause! The cause may be a charity or a politician or a political party but “your support is needed to win the fight!”

The racism game is also underway. How many stories are out there that a politician calling the virus anything with the word China\Chinese associated with it is racist? How many “news” stories exist of how awful the Chinese are for being the supplier of all sorts of products and how the USA has people “dying” and “becoming ill” because of production of products is in the now suddenly untrustworthy Chinese?

The simple fact is that neither political side has a long term plan to address any of the issues that continue to plague the 300+ million people in the USA and the 8 billion people on planet Earth. Yet at the same time both sides extol what the last item in the images presents:

Item #15: Asleep in The Matrix:
You are either 100% with our side or you are the problem
There is no other way

Item #15: Waking From The Matrix:
The government mess is all because of the other side
Our side is virginal
Blind adherence to false promises of political parties is the problem
There are other ways

The political left and the political right have no long term vision for how to govern 8 billion people other than what they have displayed in the last month. Their plan is complete subservience under a form of martial law where capitalism is destroyed and the food and medical industries are nationalized. That’s what all of this is driving to.

This is what the next essay will be about. The next essay will review how the flat tax plan presented in The Byzantine Pineapple (Part 1) is the next evolutionary step in governance. The next essay will explain how the flat tax formula would have worked to simplify and absorb anything COVID-19 government related without the chaos the political left and the political right have created.

The choice is YOURS! There are other ways! All it takes is working together towards a set of common goals.

The Choice is Yours
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