Why do you continue to believe those who have lied to you since Day 1 about COVID-19?

1) Your 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Constitutional Rights have been crushed under a phony story that “millions will die in a few months.” Within 2 weeks it was known that this is a massive lie but your Constitutional Rights were not restored.

2) You were told that the “Curve would be flattened” by “stay at home” and “social distancing.” That phrase has now been junked. The virus is already everywhere. Members of Congress have experienced it and recovered. Rudy Gobert was mocked as the first NBA player to test positive; no funeral for him. Boris Johnson, the PM of the UK, was “gravely ill” for a couple of days…and then a couple days later he is at work. Tom Hanks is not dead.

3) Search the internet for any hospital in any country crushed under the weight of COVID-19 patients. YOU WONT FIND ANY ACTUAL STORIES OF ANY HOSPITAL OVERFLOWING WITH COVID-19 PATIENTS!

4) Nearly 7,000,000 humans have died of something other than COVID-19 since March 18. Over 97% of the global dead are due to something else than COVID-19.

5) There appears to be a 99.5% recovery rate for those who become ill from COVID-19. A 100+ year old Italian woman recovered.

6) To keep you locked down 2 days ago the stories were planted in the media to “fear the second wave.” Those stories didn’t work so now the stories disappeared from the headlines to be replaced with stories of horrible deaths.

7) A half trillion dollar spending bill was just passed by 6 US Senators! SAY WHAT!

8) $2 Trillion has walked out the door and less than $100 Billion went out in Stimulus checks to the Common Citizen. Fraud has already been discovered in the spending as those inside the Byzantine Pineapple Wall rake in the cash and sticks the Common Citizen Taxpayers with the bill.

9) Citizens are being jailed and fined for going outside or not wearing masks or for exercising their Constitutional Right to vote.

10) Common Citizens can’t get a haircut or a makeover but the Governors and politicians all seem to be getting all their personal appearance needs tended to.

11) Drones and cell phones are being used to chase and harass the Common Citizens. Do you think that is happening in the Hamptons and other wealthy areas? OF COURSE IT ISN’T! Do you think that the wealthy aren’t still partying in groups and playing team sports together? Of course they are!

12) 20,000,000 Americans have been thrown into unemployment but the unemployment systems are broken and not everyone can get their checks.

13) Cities that want to re-open are disparaged with great vulgarity and charges that they are “killing people” by reopening. THAT’S NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE! If a city wants to reopen and the citizens want to go out and potentially get ill…WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO DECIDE THEIR LIVES FOR THEM! QUIT TRYING TO LIVE THE LIVES OF ALL 330,00,000 Americans and nearly 8,000,000,000 humans on Earth. If you want to stay at home and wear masks and socially distance then go right ahead. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO IMPOSE YOUR FEAR ON EVERYONE ELSE!

Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.“

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