It is now less than 3 months since the March 18 shutdown of the economies under the FRAUDULENT threat that millions will die “in a few months.”

The COVID hoax is now a sad parody of reality as the loss of Civil Rights from fraud is still real but more and more people are realizing every day that they were had.

With the riots in America dominating the headlines all the talk of social distancing fear is gone.
All the “people will die from COVID headlines” are gone.

This will end the daily postings of the COVID page of the website.
There is nothing new that will be coming on a daily basis because the numbers and the politics and news media aren’t changing
There will be nothing new said or will occur with respect for COVID.
The daily body count chart has been pretty stable for a month now with the only trend being downwards.

Instead a weekly blog will now be posted under Monthly Stories covering observations about the last weeks events.

Following is a “final thought” recap:

The whole COVID-19 event is exactly what The Byzantine Pineapple is about
The essays posted provide the details to the following statements

1) There never was a crisis.
The calling of a crisis was used to pilfer TRILLIONS from the public treasury.
All the $1,200 checks added up to $150 Billion to those outside the Pineapple Wall.
Between $2 and $5 Trillion is walking out the door to those inside the Pineapple Wall.

2) Those numbers are just the numbers for America.
All around the globe the same scam was pulled.

3) The Civil Rights taken away will never fully come back.
Things will never go back to the way they were.

4) The 2020 elections are what the whole thing has always been about

5) Neither political faction has a plan for the future beyond their side winning whatever is the next election to be had.

6) The fate of the Citizens of the World has been worsened as they are now another step closer to being dominated by a power mad New World Order that so fervently believe\push a sense of “moral righteousness” that it justifies seizing power.

Covid-19 has now been bled for what they could get.
With little left to milk out of the scenario the political factions are now on to the next “supposed crisis”…and the next “supposed crisis”…and etc.


The big “crisis” now are the riots in America.
Except, when you look at the numbers, it isn’t a “crisis.”

There are 330,000,000 million Citizens in the United States of America.
If you add up all the rioters how many people do you think that adds up to?
100,000 people?
200,000 people?
What this means is that 330,000,000 people….99+% of the population…are not rioting!

What this means is that there are hundreds of millions of people that want a better future than being lied to and having to deal with rioters.
This is what The Byzantine Pineapple is about.
Bringing together the hundreds of millions of people by presenting a plan for change that anyone with a high school education can understand…agree with it.

This is what Corporation X and supporting Corporation X is about.

Internal drawings for The Byzantine Pineapple-4
Impossibility for COVID-19 to kill 2 million Americans - June 2 2020-1
JUNE 1-2 NUMBERS top 7 locations-1
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