Ever since the first announcement of 2,200,000 Americans potentially “dead in a few months” the author has published the “daily COVID-19 death chart” which proves that this claim was never a possibility. Despite having explained the chart and the implications of what it means the author was challenged recently that the chart is “speculative.” The author then realized that the person doing the challenging really has ZERO concept of what the logistics of 10,000+ Americans dying every day solid for 7 months really means. This essay is to explain this in more detail.
This essay also is, in a sense, the “smoking gun” that either the world leaders were truly incompetent at basic math…or they knew the numbers were phony and used them anyway. The reason for stating this is that when you realize the logistical enormity of what 2,200,000 Americans dead “in a few months” actually means and you look at the actions of the world leaders you realize that no preparations were ever started for the inherent mass death on a global scale that the claim of 2,200,000 Americans “dead in a few months” actually means.
The author also stresses again that the author is NOT stating that COVID-19 is not responsible for pain, suffering and death around the globe. The author is saying that the pain, suffering and death around the globe has not increased due to COVID-19 and that the reasons given for stripping citizens of Civil Rights globally (in the USA specifically the first, second, fourth and fifth amendment rights) and placing billions under Martial Law are all a FRAUD!
How does a virus function? The Fallacy of “Social Distancing” and “Confirmed Cases”
Undoubtedly some readers will say that the author has no right to make any statements of how a virus functions because the author is not a doctor or an epidemiologist. The author may not be a doctor or an epidemiologist but the author has experienced many pandemics and illnesses and has enough Common Sense to know how viruses function.
A virus doesn’t know borders. It doesn’t know nationalities. It doesn’t require a passport and a visa to travel. It moves unseen and undetected everywhere people go. Once a virus that is transmitted by air\touch is out in the public it will spread everywhere rapidly.
It is now April 2, 2020, and the John Hopkins map shows that COVID-19 is global. The Prime Minister of the UK tested positive. Multiple Representatives and Senators in the US Congress have tested positive. Globally celebrities keep reporting they have tested positive. Tom Hanks was in Australia and tested positive. Despite all the “social distancing” and global Martial Law being declared the virus is still found globally. That’s what viruses naturally do. Once the genie is out of the bottle the bottle cannot be recorked.
Suppose the author were to go get tested today and tests negative. Should the author celebrate or be relieved? Of course the author should not! Why? Because tomorrow or the day or the week after or the month after the author could test positive for COVID-19! What is the point of worrying whether one tests positive or not if one isn’t showing any symptoms?
This is the fallacy of focusing on “confirmed cases.” Confirmed cases means that a test has been administered and not every country administers the same amount of tests. Confirmed tests stories are just scare headlines.
Six months ago gatherings of 10,000+ people for various events around the globe was commonplace. Now gatherings of more than 10 have been banned and based upon how the global leadership is acting gatherings of more than 10 may be permanently banned because of “panicdemic propaganda.”
The reader should ask themselves this question: If and when people are allowed to “assemble” (as guaranteed by the US Constitution) do you really think you are any safer from COVID-19 than the day prior? Do you really believe a government proclamation of some sort of “victory” really makes you safer? OF COURSE IT DOESN’T!
Common Sense tells most people to stay home when feeling ill unless one feels ill enough to seek hospital assistance. Whether it is now or later virtually every human on planet Earth will come into contact with COVID-19. This doesn’t mean that good hygiene and avoiding ill people aren’t good things to do. Those Common Sense actions existed before COVID-19.
The reader should ask themselves this question: Where is this kind of Common Sense thinking being displayed by the leaders of the World Health Organization? Where is this Common Sense being displayed by the global leaders of the world?
The initial claim on March 18 of 2,200,000 dead “in a few months”
The initial claim of 2,200,000 Americans potentially “dead in a few months” was first seen by the author on March 18, 2020. The author assumed that some simple math would disprove this number and set about debunking this number.
The first step was to do the math of 2,200,000 dead over a period of “a few months.” The term “a few months” connotes a short period of time so the author did the math against a range of 3 months to seven months. If there are to be 2,200,000 dead in the 3 months the math works out to an average of 24,444 dead every day for 3 months solid. If the time period is extended to 7 months works out to 10,476 dying every single day for 7 months solid.
It is now 2 weeks later and the global leaders are already patting themselves on their backs for declaring that the deFacto Global Martial Law stopped millions from dying. Why is this being stated? It is being stated because the projected number of 2,200,000 Americans dead “in a few months” has been reduced to a high of 200,000 Americans projected dead “in a few months.” The world leaders have not really stopped the virus; it will go where it will go. The world leaders are just laying the groundwork for PR campaigns claiming they saved “millions of lives” that never were at risk. That is a thoroughly disgusting act.
Regardless, from March 18 to March 19 the Johns Hopkins website reported 1,108 global deaths due to COVID-19. This is 4 and half months after patient zero. Now, if 10,000+ people are going to start dying every day for 7 months solid in America then globally there would have to be 10,000+ people already dying every day. Its basic math applied with Common Sense. The virus doesn’t know borders. The virus doesn’t know nationalities. If 10,000+ Americans are to suddenly start dying and American is trailing behind China for infections then China would already be experiencing such mass deaths of a magnitude greater than 10,000+ dead per day. China has four times the population base of the United States and undoubtedly people have traveled to Beijing and Shanghai as well as Italy carrying COVID-19. Common Sense should tell the reader that mass swaths of Chinese should be dying all over China in excess of the expected daily rate of death that already exists.
On April 1, 2020, the city of Hong Kong is reporting 4 total dead since the onset of COVID-19. There are 765 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. The population of Hong Kong is 7,400,000 people in a densely packed area. If COVID-19 were anywhere near as deadly as the “experts” and politicians say that it is then Hong Kong should be experiencing significant death quantities from COVID-19. Obviously that hasn’t happened.
Now, unless one believes that mass quantities of people in China are dying in the 10,000+ per day range and China is somehow covering that up, then the concept of 2,200,000 Americans dying in “a few months” makes no sense at all. It makes as much sense as believing that Russia had zero cases of COVID-19 because Russia reported no cases while the rest of the world did report cases of COVID-19. The John Hopkins map for Russia shows only 1 small area of Russia reporting COVID-19 activity. The virus doesn’t know borders.
What this means is that all the numbers are a bit suspect and must be taken with a grain of salt. What is known is that there is a pattern. The virus will spread and people will experience pain, suffering and death in an ever widening area. The real issue is: are HEALTHY HUMANS dying at an accelerated global rate? When China is the starting point and four and a half months later China is not experiencing vast sections of the population dying then there is no Common Sense Reason to expect that vast sections of the population of other countries will suddenly start dying at an accelerated rate.
Common Sense should tell one that
1) If the USA is 4 and half months behind China in virus spread
2) The possibility is that the USA may have 2,200,000 dead “in a few months”
3) China has 4 times the USA population
Then China should be projection something in the range of 4 times as many dead…so China should be projecting 8,800,000 dead “in a few months.” And the bodies should already be piling up because China had a four and a half months head start! It isn’t Rocket Science! It is Common Sense!
The virus doesn’t know borders or nationalities. It doesn’t care what day of the week it is. It doesn’t do much more than infect all the humans that it can infect. It acts like an outbreak of influenza…which the whole world experiences year after year…WITHOUT THE GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SHUTTING DOWN PLANET EARTH WITH FRAUDULENT PROJECTIONS BEING USE AS THE PRETENSE!
What 10,000+ Americans dead per day for 7 months solid would logistically look like
Assume that 2,200,000 Americans were to die over a 7 month period. The math works out to an average of 10,000+ per day dying every day for 210 days solid…and that doesn’t include the normal 8,000 dead who die every day in America. Those totals don’t factor in American abortions either. From a physical logistics point of view the reader needs to ask themselves this question: What would the world and the USA look like if that were to happen?
The world is a global system. Making any claim of significant death totals in the USA means that other factors also need to be considered.
The 2,200,000 dead is based upon 3% of those infected in the USA dying. Working back that means 70,000,000 Americans infected. While not all those infected require hospitalization if 3% are dying then a significant number will have required hospitalization. That means something in the nature of 10,000,000+ requiring hospitalization in “a few months” at the same time that the 10,000+ per day are dying for 7 months solid.
The math is simple. If 2,200,000 Americans are dying every day for 7 months solid then if 8,800,000 require hospitalization for 7 months that means 40,000 new patients EVERY SINGLE DAY!
If 70,000,000 Americans are infected over a 7 month period that works out to one in every 4.5 Americans infected with a combined 11,000,000 dead or hospitalized. That’s over 3% of the population of the USA dead or hospitalized “in a few months.”
Assuming 8 billion people on planet Earth and 1 in every 5 get infected “in a few months” then 1.6 billion people will be infected “in a few months.” If the same 3% death rate is applied that means that 48,000,000 people globally will die. If the 48 million people die over a 12 month period that’s 4,000,000 dead globally every month for 12 months!
Over 4 months in from March 18 to March 19 there were 1,108 global deaths attributed to COVID-19 out of an average 190,000 dead every day. If anyone believed the 2,200,000 Americans dead “in a few months” then the same person inherently believes that some 40,000,000+ people will die over the course of a year.
One has to believe that somehow the 1,108 daily global deaths are going to magically explode into 4,000,000 monthly global deaths “in a few months.” That makes zero Common Sense!
To put it another way if 10,000+ people were to die in the USA every day for 7 months solid it would mean the following:
1) Every 10 days cities the size of
a. Billings, Montana
b. Erie, Pennsylvania
c. Green Bay, Wisconsin
d. Burbank, California
e. Boulder, Colorado
f. Lakeland, Florida
g. Manchester, New Hampshire
h. Lansing, Michigan
Will be completely wiped…and it will happen 21 times over.
2) Another way to look at it is by month. It means that for 7 months solid EVERY month the population size of the following cities would die
i) Honolulu, Hawaii
ii) Lexington Kentucky
iii) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
iv) Cincinnati, OH
v) Tampa, Florida
vi) New Orleans, Louisiana
Not only that you can multiply each population size by a factor of 4 for the amount of hospitalizations that would occur! And the same thing would be happening around the globe in every country!
Logistically the dead bodies would be piled high. If one in every 5 New York City residents were to be infected using these rates that means that 1,600,000 New Yorkers would fall ill. Applying the 3% death rate factor means that 48,000 New Yorkers could be expected to die “in a few months.” The hospitals and morgues would be teeming with bodies everywhere. Every city in America and around the globe would have a major dead body problem.
The thing is that there never was a chance such carnage would ever happen. The author used basic math and a little research on March 18, 2020, and documented that the above scenario was impossible.
The revision to 100,000 to 200,000 dead in America “in a few months”
The author is thoroughly disgusted and outraged that billions of people have been locked down over FRAUDULENT projections of millions dead…and the press corps and corporations have given the governments a total pass on the major revising downwards of the false projections. The author is thoroughly disgusted and outraged that politicians have already started patting themselves on the back claiming that the deFacto Martial Law has saved “millions of lives!” THIS IS ALL A LIE!
But now that the numbers have been revised downwards and there is still fear being pushed over the new numbers then let’s take a look at what the newly revised numbers work out to be. The actual projections range from 100,000 to 200,000 dead in the USA “in a few months” but the press keeps blaring 200,000 dead in headlines. Obviously whoever is doing the modeling really has no clue at all because the range of variance is so significant.
For the purposes of simplifying the math a “few months” is interpreted to be six months. Six months is basically 180 days.
To get to 180,000 dead in 6 months means an average of 1,000 Americans dying from COVID-19 every day for 6 months solid. 8,000 Americans die every day already…and it is freely admitted that 80+% of COVID-19 deaths are to people with compromised immune systems.
The US Death Rate is NOT going up due to COVID-19. What is happening is what is listed on the death certificates of those with compromised immune systems are that the cause of death listed is being changed. Instead of pneumonia or influenza or cancer or something else the death is now listed as COVID-19.
Globally…in 5 months’ time there have been a total of 42,139 dead attributed to COVID-19. It makes no sense that all of a sudden 1,000 Americans per day are going to start dying from COVID-19 when in 5 months’ time globally 42,000 people have died. And even if they do die at a rate of 1,000 per day from COVID-19 it won’t change the average annual death rate. Why is global humanity still under lockdown when the global death rate is not changed?
This analysis is done with nothing other than basic math, a little research, and the application of Common Sense. Whether 2,200,000 Americans dead in a few months means globally 48,000,000 dead or 30,000,000 is meaningless in the sense that an exact number doesn’t change anything. The point is that the dead and hospitalized globally would be such a mass human tragedy story that outdoes the total dead in World War II because it would all happen “in a few months.” The virus doesn’t know political boundaries or ideologies. The bodies would be piling up globally.
It appears that the world leaders and the medical community they employ really have no idea that this is what they were actually projecting when they projected 2,200,000 Americans dead “in a few months.” The news media also has no concept of what they are inherently reporting when they report the fraudulent studies.
All of this epitomizes the text and imagery of Asleep In The Matrix from The Byzantine Pineapple. When one is asleep in The Matrix they get told the big number by the politicians and the news media and academia and there is a belief fueled by Blind Loyalty that makes the numbers told “real” to the believer. The numbers are as real as The Matrix was real to Neo before he awoke from The Matrix. The Matrix owns the believer.
When one Wakes from The Matrix one doesn’t blindly accept what one is told by The Matrix. One gets told the data and then one seeks independent corroboration of what one is being told. This math and Common Sense exercise shows that the numbers told from the beginning were all FRAUDULENT. If the numbers were fraudulent then why were the numbers told to the public and planned on in the first place. When one Wakes from The Matrix one realizes that COVID-19 is just the excuse used to subjugate human beings to a new martial law.
When one is Asleep in The Matrix one believes that the deFacto Global Martial Law will soon be lifted because someday those seizing global power now will willingly give back the power they have taken under false pretenses. When one Wakes from The Matrix one realizes that the stripping of global human rights under false pretenses really was only the start of something else.

